Visit to Sundarvan (Pre-Primary) – 2022

Milky swans, clucky chicken, or even a slithering snake, brings the delight on a child’s face, especially when they interact with them. However, there is much more to children and animal interactions, than meets the eye. When children have opportunities to spend time with animals, it’s about much more than just stimulating their senses. Yes, they love furry cuddles and experiencing the different ways that animals look, eat, move, sound and feel. Research shows that animal interactions can actually improve children’s social interaction, reduce stress and anxiety and increase motivation and learning.

All the three classes visited ‘Sundarvan’ on 12th, 13th & 14th October, 2022 consecutively during school hours. It is located in the heart of the city and nests a variety of birds, tortoise, crocodile, etc.

The excitement in children was palpable. They developed a variety of skills like socializing among peers, sharing, listening and behaving responsibly during the trip. Lovely rhymes were sung throughout the bus journey. After coming back from the trip most of the students recalled all that they saw and learnt quite well. It was learning with fun for all the children.